Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS

Little Switzerland!

If you could choose any place in this world, where would you like to live? For me, Switzerland is the exception to the rule. In the sense that, although it doesn’t border seas or oceans (so dear to me) it is easily at the top of the countries where I would like to live. The …


Amazing California

Wow! I can only start my post about California like that, and that is because it’s an amazing place, where you can find everything you want or you don’t want. No wonder America is the land of all possibilities 😉 Nothing you read about before really prepares you for the experience that you have there. …


Welcome to my World

This is how I started 2020…with a good coffee on the terrace of a Miami apartment in trendy Brickel on the 35th floor. Simply wonderful! #explore is no longer just a simple tag for me now, but it has become my leitmotif for this year. So I suggest you follow me on my travels, journeys, …